Sunday, August 3, 2008

Spooky Signs and it's not even October!

I was running late for church today.
I sprang out of bed, with 15 minutes to be ready.
I hopefully glanced in the mirror that my hair was somewhat tame....but lo and behold, it was scary.
Jumping into the shower I ran thru in my mind what to wear, what to wear?
I threw on a simple dress, slicked back the hair and decided it would do.
As I left, my cell phone remained on my desk.

Hurrying down the aisle, I kneeled and did a quick "hello, God - thanks for a good week, help me thru another week, let Cathy say ok to the promote for Montgomery, and help me to do a better job taking care of myself again. I know I need to say my prayers and be more reflective, but I could use a hand"

and then mass began.

At the end of mass, the soloist began to sing Ave Maria.
I immediately took it as a sign from God. Not only am I usually a faithful and frequent petitioner to the blessed Mother, it reminded me of my Nonnie. Ok God, I got the message. I will resume my prayers to Mary tonight!

When I left church and headed to the grocery store to pick up milk, I stopped for a coffee. They had run out of Washington I picked up the NY Times.

Glancing thru - I saw that the NY Times magazine had an article that was basically ode to the apricot. I immediately thought of Cat! I would have to send him this bit of info!

Walking thru the front door, I had Mary, Nonnie and Cat on the brain. As I checked my messages on my phone - what do I see but a comment from Cat on this very blog....about hearing the Ave Maria!

I think I get the message loud and clear. Reinforced by song and odes to flip flops.

(by the way, I wore the green was fabulous for our dinner cruise of Boston Harbor)


CatBoy said...

Interesting, especially in that I first wrote Ave Verum and then I thought, "No, Annette is more of an Ave Maria person. That is the song she hears when she suffers a loss."

On a lighter note, I'm glad you wore the green dress.

Martha said...

You were in Boston? Damn. Next time, call me!