Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bye Cappie....we love you.

My little doggie 'sister' had to be put down last night.
She had cancer and was very weak.
Cappie has been my dog sister for 15 years now.
Even though I lived far away - we remained close.

My human sister and I always knew Mom loved her best.
(and how could we blame her?)

Cappie never kept a messy room.
Cappie always listened.
Cappie never talked back.
Cappie never tattled.
Cappie always cleaned her plate. (and everyone else's.)
Cappie never made fun of Mom's outfits or decorating choices.

Cappie was the best dog sister I could have had.

And because I know Cappie is in heaven, I am going to do my best to make it there one day to see her again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( Sorry for your family's loss. She was a gorgeous girl!