Friday, April 10, 2009

Buona Pasqua

I have been a bit world weary of late.

Many pressing issues and problems - mainly work related...that have been taking their toll. It has left me with a bad attitude - and since nobody wants to hear more complaints...I have limited my communication.....knowing it would be hostile.

The funk has been so bad....that it was beginning to physically manifest even in my I took steps to begin the spring cleaning last week....blinds off the windows and cleaned, windows, screens, dust bunnies begone!!!! Surprisingly ~ it seems to be psyche is climbing out of the dark, dank hole it has been in for the last few months.

In my mind, I have been traveling to the happy places in order to combat the nasty attitude - and can't help but remember my Easter in Italy a few years back. I had done a lenten fast of pasta that year, knowing that Easter Sunday would find me wrapped in the warm arms of Italy and all her pasta glory. Oh the joy of landing in Rome and within one hour having a lovely first course lasagna laid before you.......

Happily, I am enjoying a nice long Easter weekend - complete with chocolate, some wonderful italian wine, and a marathon of Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments.....(I gotta get my Charlton Heston on during religious holidays.)
Somewhere in there will be some naps and a delicious Easter dinner with the local family.
She may just be emerging from the dark......(i feel like a tulip!)


CatBoy said...

Happy Easter, Bel Fiore.

Tracy said...

I reach a wall around this time also...I save lots of negative drafts that never see the light of day...unsent letters. Spray on some for me.

I made that up actually.