Friday, July 30, 2010

Erotomania and Spanish Swear Words

God knows where this post is going to go.
But 2 things have been on my mind this week - so clearly they are screaming out for me to comment on in some public forum.

1. I am obsessed with why or how women can let themselves be so delusional about love.
2. I am obsessed with my new habit of swearing in Spanish.

So let's begin.

I know this woman. She is by all accounts a normal person - late 30's, able to see most things for what they are.
Yet, she is in the worst relationship I have ever witnessed.
She is actually under the delusion that the man she is with loves her and wants to marry her.

From what I gather - here are the facts of the relationship
  1. dating or 'seeing' each other for 10 years (mainly for the booty call)

  2. she has never actually been to his home

  3. he has never actually been to her home

  4. claims to have a job that takes him 'out of the country often' (i call that a wife at home)

  5. promises the world and delivers nothing

Promises have included:

  1. we are going on vacation next week

  2. I am taking you away for the weekend

  3. I am building us a house to live in

  4. we are getting married!

This is what happens instead:

  1. I have to go to Pakistan next week after all

  2. He stops all contact with her and calls her the following Tuesday

  3. You'll never believe it, they put in the wrong color floor tile, so I told them I wanted a refund on the house

  4. He stops all contact with her and calls her the following Tuesday, it turns out he had to go to Pakistan again.

After 10 years of the same bull - how can this woman not wake up? Are you that down on yourself? Is your self esteem that bad?

The worst is the wedding thing. In the last 2 years, he has promised to take her to Hawaii for a get away wedding.

The first time, he printed some BS off the internet and gave it to her.

He cancelled.

A few months later, he told her he couldn't stand her and only saw her for the sex.

A few weeks later, he called her, got his booty call and then gave her a ring.

A ring that in my opinion looked bogus.

He asked for it back to have it sized (i think it went back in his wifes jewelry box)

She goes out, buys a gown, has it altered, buys all the crap that goes with it and packs her bags for Hawaii again. Keep in mind, she never sees a ticket or any confirmation that a trip is happening.

True to form, the jerk stops all contact with her and never shows up. No calls, no texts, no nothing.

And she continues to believe there is a reasonable explanation. She just doesn't get it. I get it, why doesn't she? Even at my most pitiful, I don't think I could ever let anyone be that cruel to me. When I googled 'delusion in love' the word Erotomania came up.

That is totally her. I love that there is a word for it. He may not be a celebrity - but anyone that is that disinterested in you should count.

In retrospect, as stupid as I have been in the past with my own delusions of love and relationships - I do feel grateful that I never took a nose dive like that. Yikes.



Hijo de la madre chingada!


Ok, I feel better now. I love the Biography on Frida Kahlo that I am currently reading. And now that I have new swear words to use - I am feeling even more international.


Renea Price said...

That made me giggle!! Your poor poor friend. I think that you need to beat her up the head a few times until she see the light and if not......hire those cheaters people for her!

Shainer said...

Don't swing at me for what I am going to say, and yes I am a guy but that shouldn't make a differance. It is her fault she allowed it to happen. We as individuals need standards and we should not allow ourselves to stray below them. And as far as that guy... There will always be women and men that fit the category as gold digger, whore, trash, user, and abuser. We have to decide where we stand as individuals.