Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Canada = USA lite....The Same But Different

A few months ago I visited Montreal and Ottawa.
It was a bit rough on me - I felt a bit out of sorts - which surprised me - because I assumed always that Canada was USA lite. It may have been the French speaking that threw my equilibrium off - I'm still not sure.

This week I am in Toronto - it turns out that Toronto is USA lite.
I like it here.
And yet, at the same time, you know you are someplace different.

In the US - we love to use our credit cards and debit cards, we never have cash.
Canadians only like to use cash and debit cards - but you better have a debit MasterCard - because they don't take Visa.
It turns out that Visa is not "everywhere you want to be"

In the US - we pride ourselves on pretending to be green and concerned about the environment.
Canadians don't pretend to be green, they really are. Even the hotel rooms have recycle bins!

In the US - you don't find WalMart's at the mall.
Canadians love when a WalMart is the anchor store. And they pile those deals high! If you want to buy hockey paraphernalia - WalMart is the place to be.

In the US - if you want to buy bulk food - you go to that aisle in the grocery store.
Canadians have a place called Bulk Barn. A whole store of bulk bins! Seriously - this place is off the hook!

In the US - Sears is a place where you buy lawnmowers and car batteries.
Canadians go there and the store is full of 70" flat screen TV's with Paris runway shows and designer duds to buy!

In the US - we love Starbucks.
Canadians love Tim Horton's, Timothy's and Second Cup - Starbucks....not so much. Don't get me wrong - Starbucks are still here - but the Tim Horton's appears to have the same appeal here that Dunkin Donuts does in New England - frenzied caffeine fiends!

In the US - when you order iced tea it is typically not sweet - unless you are in the South.
Canadians put a ton of sugar in their tea and only 2 ice cubes.

In the US - you avoid making eye contact and small talk with strangers.
Canadians talk to you all the time - and make eye contact - and are really nice! Even in elevators!

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