Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bike Supplies I Need

After my first ride on the new bike today - I have discovered some must have items:
  • a gel seat - ouchy, my butt hurts!
  • gloves - when it is 90+ degrees, you sweat and can't shift the grip gears as you climb the longest hill ever.
  • sunglasses - my fashion forward "pradaesque" glasses are not meant to be worn with a helmut.
  • a sweat band for my head - sweat stings your eyes when it drips down.

I rode for 2 hours! I had a blast! And I discovered that it is harder to do now then when I was a kid with streamers on my handles and a basket in the front.

1 comment:

newestYorker said...

And don't forget a light for the front so you can wander at night.