Friday, July 4, 2008

Project Ass Reduction ~ week 5,6 & 7

This sucks.
I have not been motivated at all.
What is wrong with me? Where has my mojo gone?!

Shame on me for not posting my photos and progress.....ggggrrr

I have been excercising....but not with the normal zeal. Melissa told me that for a white girl I have a booty....she maybe halfway convinced me that this booty isn't getting any smaller. So maybe that made me slack a bit. excuses, excuses. (week 5 & 6)

Vacation proved to be a week of eating disasters. I did manage to work out half of the time...but when you are eating pizza and fried chicken and consuming bottles of wine...all the excercise in the world is not going to make any reductions in your ass. (week 7)

Yesterday I felt awful about myself.
So today, I am claiming Independence from my bad attitude and bad body image.
I am getting back on track.
God knows I head into the lion's den of female judgement in 2 weeks. God help me.
I am beginning the mantra again.
Size 8, Size 8, Size 8

1 comment:

CatBoy said...

Maintaining the enthusiasm to get fit isn't for wussies. Stick with it.

Your ass hardly qualifies as a booty. Look around my dear, there are some really big ones out there.