Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Speaking of Coffee

Why can't Starbucks make more choices in their Sugar Free Syrup line?

I am sick of vanilla, hazelnut, caramel and cinnamon dolce sugar free syrups.

I want pumpkin spice and white chocolate mochas to be available sugar free too!

Starting a letter writing campaign immediately.


KrisCe said...

Oh come on a little indulgence once in awhile won't hurt you. I didn't think Pumpkin spice was even a syrup. If anything it is the whip cream on that one that will do it to you.

chenchy said...

It does have syrup - and I get the no whip variety.

CatBoy said...

I never get whipped cream on my coffee either (don't tell Michelle, she'll be horrified).

As far as the syrups go, I rarely get anything with those either, but when I do, I go for the ones with sugar, since I think the extra calories from the sugar is probably healthier in the long run than whatever they are using in the sugar-free syrups.

I could be wrong, but that's my theory.

chenchy said...

Cat - you may be more right than you know. Apparently over the long term products like Equal in hot beverages equate themselves to arsenic.

That is a true fact.