Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Eve Revisited...

Monday, 12.24.2007

I awoke early to head to the grocery store. I had pre-ordered a standing rib roast for Christmas Day....and had attempted to pre-order clams. The fish man basically said, too bad so pre-orders on clams allowed. I asked him for the scoop on what time I would need to get there to get what I wanted, and he said 6am.

So I woke at 5:30am and out the door I went, list #2 in hand.

Pop decided to join me. He is an early riser and I welcomed the company. We headed to the fish counter first. I bought mussels, clams, calamari, scallops, shrimp, crab, and stuffed trout. Popped to the meat counter for my rib roast.....scooped up the missing lemons....drat...still no basil! A few hundred dollars later, we returned home....looking like Bob Cratchit loaded down with holiday goodies.
I decided to get some excercise in...knowing I would be indulging for the next few onto the treadmill for a mere 30 much to do! So little time!

I headed home and fed everyone lunch, finished baking the last batch of cookies..then off to the store to finish the Christmas shopping. Remarkably, I finished in one hour! I was slightly terrified that this indicated that my own stores would be having a bad day....where was everyone?! (apparently not in the mall I was in)

Came home - wrapped the final gifts....and suddenly became aware that I still had not dressed, prepared any of the evening meal or even showered! Yikes.
The time was ticking down....and I began to prep my meal. I knew I would be smelling like a calamari in garlic....(and not in a good way) so the shower would come after.....

My final menu was:
  • Clams Casino
  • Seafood Medley Salad
  • Fennel and Orange Salad
  • Linguine with Red Clam Sauce
  • Stuffed Calamari
  • Stuffed Trout
I began on the medley first.....the individual fish are quickly boiled and then all are tossed in a simple vinagrette. I used a meyer lemon infused olive oil, garlic and lemon juice....rounded it out with flat leaf parsley and let the flavors mellow for a few hours.

Next, I sliced my oranges, red onion and fennel - they were tossed in a simple vinagrette also.

The stuffed calamari was prepped - see recipe in post below. I was really pleased with myself on this dish....I prepped the cheese sauce, piped it into the bodies and then refrigerated the whole it cooked, the calamari held their shape and the sauce did not oooozzze everywhere.

The clam sauce would come together simply at the last minute.....and I had cheated by purchasing a ready to pop in the oven trout!

I laid out a platter of assorted olives ~ maddalena, sicilian, blue cheese stuffed (thinking how wonderful they would be in a martini)....Next came brandy snifters of marcona almonds placed here and there and I sliced a baguette and put out a dish of the meyer lemon olive oil for dipping.

The Asti Spumante was chilling ~ it would not be Christmas Eve without it! and I had a lovely bottle of J pinot grigio chilling too.

I went to dress and decided on my Isacc Mizrahi Special ~ this dress is so cute and very comfy...I knew I was in for the long haul with Midnight Mass on the agenda. With no time to do the hair, I opted for the sleek bun and was ready to get the party started....

The table was set with my favorite red table cloth, green plates and topped with red napkins and Christmas Crackers.....(much to the horror of my family ~ I have forced this oh-so-British holiday tradition on my Italian/Irish family) I love the Christmas Cracker! It pops, it's festive, it has a prize in side and comes with a fashionable paper hat! Accessories to go that look fabulous on everyone! Why wouldn't you love that?!

I began to pour the Asti ~ I was feeling a bit of the holiday stress.

Holiday stress = Annette trying to be perfect in an imperfect world

Asti + Annette = What holiday stress?

The guests began to arrive - and I put the men to work at opening my clams for the clams casino. A side note here....I am terrified of cutting myself opening clams. I love clams, I love to eat clams, but I can't open the suckers. And I know it is because I am afraid of needing stitches.
The holiday music was playing, the Asti and wine were flowing, the clams were being filled ~ and I could feel Christmas surrounding me!

I adore Christmas Eve. I adore being surrounded by people I love and sharing this night with them. The clams were ready and everyone was served. To me, they tasted just like Christmas. I thought of my Nonnie and all the years she made this dish for us......I thought of my sister who hates clams but always wants the casino part in the empty shell.....I thought of Nunu arguing with Dad and Uncle Gerry about the best way to open a clam....I thought about Jack Roses, and gifts opening and cocktails and laughter.....I recalled the year of the two fisted cocktails. One in each hand!!!

As we enjoyed the first course, I finished and set out to make my clam sauce.....some onion, garlic, red pepper flakes and olive oil........clams, fresh tomatoes, fresh oregano.....tossed in the pasta....topped with parsley and parmigiano cheese..... We gathered everyone around the table and cracked open the crackers! With party hats on, it was now time to eat!

The pasta was delicious....and as we enjoyed...the salads were put out to come to room temperature....and the stuffed fishes in the oven...

I served the remaining courses buffet style.....

With the meal coming to a close, we began to tell stories of Christmas' past. We finished more bottles of wine.....set the advent wreath on fire....(doused it out with my Aqua Panna water) only after blowing on it and trying to snuff it out with my beautiful cloth napkins failed to work. Credit to my guests who tried to recall thier firefighting skills while being slightly toasted.

We pulled out the platters of cookies and cakes....enjoyed coffee and a gift exchange. As the evening was winding down....It was time to head to Midnight Mass. My guests said thier good-byes and Nan and Pop and I headed for the church.

As we walked into the took my breath away. The altar was flanked on both sides by two christmas trees filled with white lights....dozens of pointsettias lined the altar in front and behind.....candles were blazing and the lights were all dimmed. The church was full of people...all silent and reverent for the mass.

The bell rung and a man began to sing the Christmas Prelude ~ it gave me chills it was so beautiful.

We sang O Come Let Us Adore Him, the Kyrie was done in the Messe Breve in C...during the presentation of gifts the choir sang For Unto us a Child is Born from the Messiah, the Sanctus in Latin, During communion the choir sang the Nativity Carol and In the Bleak Midwinter and then the entire congregation joined in on Silent Night.....and finally Hark the Herald Angels Sing for the recessional....

It was a beautiful mass.....and a beautiful ending to a wonderful day.


newestYorker said...

I have no idea how you have so much energy but you are proof that the more you do, the more you can do.

CatBoy said...

That sounds truly special. You really know how to do things up right, and apparently how to manage your time.

I'm glad everyone had such a wonderful time.

PS. With regard to the photo of Nan opening a gift, that is a great stove from what I can see of it.

chenchy said...

I will have to take a photo of that is really unusual - and I can't believe they were able to replace the original one.