Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yuletide Carol Riddler ~ Give it a whirl

The following words are alternate titles for several well known Christmas Carols.

1. Quadruped with a crimson proboscis
2. Eight PM to six AM without noise
3. Miniscule hamlet in the Middle East.
4. Ancient benevolent despot.
5. Exuberance directed to the planet.
6. Adorn the vestibule.
7. Listen, aerial spirits announcing.
8. Trio of monarchs.
9. Yonder in the haystack.
10. Cherubim audited from aloft.
11. Assemble, everyone who believes
12. Hallowed post meridian.
13. Fantasies of a colorless Dec. 25th.
14. Tin tinniculations
15. A dozen 24 hour Yule periods.
16. Befell during the transparent
bewitching hour.
17. Homo sapien of crystallized vapor.
18. Desire a pair of incisors on Dec. 25th.
19. I spied my maternal parent osculating.
20. Perambulating through a December
solstice fantasy.

15-20 You are filled with yuletide spirit.
10-14 You could use a little something in your stocking.
5-9 Are you sure you have the right holiday?
0-4 You win a lobotomy at the hospital of your choice.


Martha said...

And I retaliate with my own list (some may match - I've not compared the lists carefully):

1. Approach, everyone who is steadfast.

2. Ecstasy toward the orb.

3. Hush, the foretelling spirits harmonize.

4. Quiescent nocturnal period.

5. The autocratic troika originating near the ascent of Apollo.

6. Hey, miniscule urban area of southwest Jerusalem.

7. The primary carol.

8. Embellish the corridors.

9. I’m fantasizing concerning a blanched yuletide

10. I apprehended my maternal parent osculating with a corpulent unshaven male
in crimson disguise.

11. During the ovine caretakers supervised their charges past midnight.

12. The carnivore comrades.

13. The thing manifested itself at the onset of a transparent day.

14. What offspring abodes thus?

15. Valentino, the roseate proboscis wapiti.

16. Removed in a bovine feeding trough.

17. The slight percussionist lad.

18. Seraphim we aurally detected in the stratosphere.

19. Father Christmas approaches the metropolis.

20. Creator, cool it, you kooky cats.

I say we go and post these over at DWO!

Anonymous said...

When you know the answers already it makes it pretty easy... So yeah I'm filled with yuletide spirit.