Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thanks for the Card!

I used this title for another post earlier last week.
Now that the nightmare of that is over.....I decided to use the title again....only for a different subject.

I received a card from my buddy Nikelle. It was a holiday card that was a gift card to The Limited.

Inside she wrote:
You are not the fat girl in the mirror anymore!
Merry Christmas,

It was the perfect card. It made me feel good again. Today she told me that she picked it because only 'skinny bitches' shop at The Limited. Apparently I am now a skinny bitch.
How awesome is that?
On top of being, in her opinion, a skinny bitch....she also wanted me to forget the statement that had been made to me 2 weeks prior.

I had been discussing my ongoing 'body image' issues with another woman. This particular woman has gone up and down the scale for many years. When I told her that I looked in the mirror and saw the same person everytime....she immediatey piped in, " matter what, you will always be the fat girl in the mirror"

nice. thanks for the positive feedback.

Lesson learned, if you want positivity, don't ask a miserable person.

So thank you Nikelle, for the gift, and for the laugh!
There is a new skinny bitch in town!

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