Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mary and the Mantra

Post holiday blues?....
Not so much.
I am actually feeling really good.
Perhaps it is because I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of 2008.
2008 is going to be a stellar year.
I can feel it.
I plan on willing it to happen.

My mantra: 2008 is a great year for Annette. 2008 is a great year for Annette. 2008 is a great year for Annette.

I wanted to make my mantra easy to say. Note that the mantra does not include will be, can be, could be.....the secret of the mantra is that it has to be a positive affirmation.

I am also repeating it 3 times. I figure since you must say a Hail Mary three times to invoke the blessings of the Blessed can't hurt to say my mantra three times to invoke the blessings of 2008 on my life.
I'm hoping that the combination of the tri-mantra and the tri-hail mary will work out well.
C'mon Mary ~ help a sister out.


KrisCe said...

You are going to have a great 2008!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too have said this three times for you. They say you reap what you sow, and you've been planting some awesome stuff lately.

I can't wait to read about it all coming to fruition for you!