Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ciopinno for 23

I have to figure out how I will prepare this and transport it.

I am thinking of 5x the normal recipe - that would feed 20 - but it is also just one part of a total meal.

So maybe just 3x the normal recipe.

hhhhmmmmmmm.....decisions, decisions.

I am also thinking of forgoing the normal Christmas morning 'egg thing' in favor of Panetonne French Toast...decisions, decisions.

I need some quiet time to think this crap through.


CatBoy said...

I think you're right to go with a smaller amount if it isn't the main course.

Panetonne makes excellent Italian-French toast; it gets my vote. Try it sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh lemon juice.

KrisCe said...

The Panetonne french toast does sound yummy! But it isn't Christmas morning without Egg Thing!

chenchy said...

I agree 3x is still a whole lotta ciopinno!

How's about egg thing christmas eve morning?!

KrisCe said...

Sounds good to me... the best of both worlds.