Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My life since December 17th

Whoa - what a whirlwind since the Crackberry Nosepicker incident. I will sum up in quick bullets.
12/18 - store visits (this term equals me running from store to store with carloads of product to replenish each store I visit. Robbing Peter to pay Paul)
12/19 - store visits
12/20 - store visit. I did wear antlers on this day to keep the Scrooges cheery.
12/21 - church, grocery store, gift wrapping, dropped gifts off, picked up butter for my aunt, got invited to the Redskins game by two random strangers in the grocery store because I was wearing my Cooley jersey, came home and made my Ciopinno for the mass crowd on Christmas Eve.
12/22 - store visits
12/23 - store visits, came home to family just in from California and New Jersey - went out to eat, came home and made egg thing for the next morning - prepared for my work day until about 1am.
12/24 - office day at home, lots of conference calls, in between I served breakfast and entertained my guests...sent mom, sis and grandfather to the grocery store for the ingredients for my salads and to pick up the fish to pop in my ciopinno. Frantically realized at 2pm that the day was half gone and I still had on pajamas. Made 2 salads - one orange and fennel and one pomegranate and arugula - frantic shower, threw on outfit - drove with food to aunt's house, requested cocktail the moment I walked in the door. The rest of the night was a blur. I cooked, I ate, drank and made merry. Went to midnight mass....in bed 3am.
12/25 - woke and made Panetonne French Toast - it came out yummy....openend presents...squealed over my new Wii. Dressed, went to Christmas Dinner - another blur of a day...
12/26 - worked and was bitter about it. Ate pizza for dinner and then played Wii until 2am. Did manage to shatter a christmas ornament off my tree when going for my best "serena williams backhand" yikes.
12/27 - sad, family left. I did pass out on the couch about 23 minutes after they left. Woke to eat chinease food at 7pm. Passed out again watching "Love in the time of Cholera" What the hell was that movie about?!?!?!?
12/28 - slept really late, missed church, felt guilt for like 2 seconds. Made a yummy breakfast passed out on the couch again....do we see a pattern here? Managed to drag myself off the couch and went to grocery store. Ate dinner, decided to try one more time to watch "Love in the time of Cholera" I managed to not pass out this time - but I still don't get it. Why did he tell her he was a virgin? Why did she marry Benjamin Bratt? Who decided John Leguizamo was right for that part? I think I can't look at Javier Bardem without seeing his Dutch boy haircut, even when he doesn't have a dutch boy haircut. Did they stay on that boat forever? WTF?!
12/29 - worked and was bitter about it.
12/30 - worked, not so bitter today....mainly happy because I was invited to a hockey game on New Years Day and I only have to work a 1/2 day tomorrow!!! Can't wait to pass out on the couch again.


CatBoy said...

I can't tell you how many days when I am cooking for something, I am still in my pajama bottoms and a food-streaked t-shirt at three in the afternoon.

Congratulations on your Wii- I have yet (and this is amazing) to break anything playing mine, although I did send the phone flying one day.

I did not see ". . . Cholera." I read the book and knew there was no way in hell I would like the movie with Javier Bardem in the role. In the book, I immediately identified with that character, both in the way he was supposed to look and because he was a perpetually sickly creature. There is no way I could see Bardem as being anything at all like that.

Have fun at the hockey game, and passing out.

CatBoy said...

Happy New Year. I want some of that cake with the orange curd.