Monday, January 3, 2011

The Don't List for 2011

I don't really make hard, fast, specific resolutions each year.

I try to keep it fairly simple.
When asked my resolution for the New Year early last week, my response was a simple,
"don't be a fat ass"

If you think about it - being a fat ass encompasses a whole bunch of topics and resolutions.
In order to not be a fat ass, one must excercise regularly, eat well and not spend hours on the couch.
This I can handle.

It also includes things like - don't eat an entire bag of m&m's even though they are delicious and make you happy.
don't spend an entire Sunday watching Bridzillas when you could be cleaning, cooking, reading a good book, volunteering or moving your fat ass.

Project Ass Reduction is in full swing, I have excercised on average 6 days a week for many weeks now.
I feel better, I look better and knock on wood - will not get a cold.
I'm actually proud of the fact that I took on PAR during the holidays.
If you can make it there - you can make it anywhere.
Truly my resolution began before the New Year - and I have already made it past the one week when they say all people fail.
So I love being a success in 2011 on the 4th of January already.

I am bucking the system and throwing in another resolution.
And that is to not kill plants.
or to try not to kill plants.
The pressure is on people.
I have had 2 live houseplants.
One has survived for more than 2 years.
One has survived for 1 year and 5 months.

That is a world record in the plant kingdom.
The only reason they live is because they are succulents.
That means when I forget to water them for 3 months, they continue to live.

Last week, post Kwanzaa celebration, I came home with a 3rd plant.
The poor thing is not a succulent.
I am worried.
To make matters worse - this plant is a trimming off of a plant that was my Great Grandmother's. The plant has sprouted many other plants - and my Aunt told me there was no way I could kill it.
Yes, I can kill it.
I don't know what it is, and I don't know how to care for it.
I'm afraid to water it because I overwater.
I'm afraid to not put it in the right spot because what if it gets too much sun, or not enough sun. It's by a door - is that too drafty? But if it is not by a door, everywhere else is too dark - does that mean it will die from lack of sun?
Help me Mary Mother of God to not kill this plant.
How pathetic would my legacy be to Nonnie Alpha if I killed this.
It is like a family legacy.
So I have to resolve to not be a plant killer.
This one could be harder than not eating an entire bag of m&m's.

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