Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And the Oscar goes to.......

Yes friends. It is that wonderful time of year again. Award Season.

Golden Globes? Grammys? Oscars? No -

Service Awards (5yr, 10yr, 20yr), Manager of the Year Awards, Assistant Manager of the Year Awards, Rookie Manager of the Year Awards etc...at my company.

It is that wonderful time of year when I get to present a plaque and pose for a photo op. While I am happy to give awards and recognition ~ I don't so much like the photo part. Ugh...my hair is flat! (I need a haircut) I'm all washed out! (that lipstick color is not good) Meanwhile look how cute my manager is! I should have knocked her over and stolen her lipstick.

But enough about me for the moment ~ it did bring me great pleasure to surprise this particular gal with her 5 year award ~ you never saw someone so excited to get to pick a gift from a catalog of cookware, watches, golf bags and mantel clocks. (She seems to be leaning towards the cookware) She brought a tear to my eye when she told me how much she loves her job and wants to retire from this company. She never wants to leave! Such dedication. Such loyalty. It was like an Oscar speech ~ only better.

1 comment:

CatBoy said...

I think it's nice of you to let her be the one with the good lipstick.