Friday, January 11, 2008

Thanks for the card!

I received the first birthday card in my life that referred to me as an old person today.
It was full of references to bifocals, gray hair, memory loss and chin hair.
Ummmm.......thanks Meghan.
When did I go from pink fairys and stardust cards to old lady with wart and chin hair cards?!

I am leading a ban on cards that call people old or have the word fart in them.

But fear not - I am still feeling fabulous....Happy Birthday to Me!
(though I may take a closer look for any rogue hairs in strange places before heading out for my festivites tonight)......gggggrrrr


Martha said...

Happy Birthday, dear girl! No age jokes from me - I'm only a year ahead of you!

CatBoy said...

Unless you start finding grey hairs in places other than on your head, you needn't worry just yet. (True story, that is.)

KrisCe said...

Okay I'll try and remember no old people cards for you.