Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Felice Anno Nuovo

Happy New Year!

Rising on January 1, 2008 ~ I put on my running shoes and hit the treadmill! I was going to start this new year out right.

I had been invited to a New Years Day Brunch at 11am ~ I finished in time to jump in the shower and dress.........being a new year ~ I decided to bunk tradition and not wear black. Black is usually my signature color.....Instead, I donned all white. White pants, a white top - I did wear a turquoise and silver beaded necklace and my silver ballet flats......I topped the white outfit with my white trench. (have I mentioned how fabulous that coat is?)

Brunch was amazing. It was held at my Aunt's house and she invited all the usual suspects.

(that included the Osgoods!)

We had mimosas, pomegranite martinis, coffee......stolen, assorted christmas cookies, brie, french bread, fruit salad, a wonderful parfait made from roasted pineapple and served with yogurt and granola ~ there was a ham, poached eggs served over roasted asparagus and an apple and celery root slaw.

We lingered talking and eating for about 5 hours......I have such a passion about good food, family and can anything be better?

On top of that ~ I saw many people that I had not seen in a long time. I am not going to let myself have body image issues anymore.
Everyone made me feel beautiful and for once, I allowed myself to see that they were right. I have worked hard to get to where I am today.....this transformation did not happen overnight. How great to be starting this new year with a new body and a new positive outlook.

1 comment:

CatBoy said...

I love to see people shun basic black (which I think has become a uniform of sorts), and going all-white is about as far from it as you can go. Good for you.