I fell off the wagon.
And posting this picture was hard to do....I can't even blame it on PMS bloat....this is from fried food, cake and not excercising!
I was on the wagon for week 3 ~ then took a nosedive off of it in week 4.
Week 3, I excercised 6 days and ate very healthfully for 4 days. Thursday night killed me with chocolate cake. Friday morning I had a breakfast that equaled a heart attack on a plate. Friday night every course of my seafood meal included lobster in some sort of cream sauce. Add to that the cocktails and you can see that it was a calorie packer.
Saturday, I did excercise but had a smorgasbord of fried food for dinner.....(you would do the same thing if a bird pooped on you)
Week 4 ~ aka the descent into hell
Sunday was the reunion - I actually ate very little. I did however drink most of the wine. Oh yes! And had 2 of the most delicious chocolate peanut butter brownie cookie things.....yummy.
No excercise - unless you count tossing an egg and playing bocce.
Monday drove home, ate fantastic pizza!!!! No excercise.
Tuesday ~ spent the day with Mom and Sis, dinner at Aunt's.....mojitos, pork and CAKE!!!
No excercise.
Wednesday ~ drove down to Raleigh.....5 hours in the car....agggh. (Damn the airlines and oil companies for the too expensive plane tickets!!!) Ate fast food....(i know, awful) Ate pasta and wine and a whole plate of wonderful biscotti!!!!
No excercise....are you seeing the pattern for week 4 yet? Excessive eating and no body movement.
Thursday ~ Cheescake Factory, more pasta for dinner, 2 glasses of wine....(at least I skipped the biscotti)
No excercise
Friday ~ PF Changs with the whole store staff, fast food on the 5 hour drive back home.
No excercise
Saturday ~ too exhausted from my week of bad habits....I lie on the couch watching a marathon of Bridezilla (how low can you go?) That night go eat Chinese Food, go see Indiana Jones and eat Popcorn.
No excercise.
Thus the fat ass picture above!
Time to get back on the wagon.....