Monday, June 30, 2008

Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle

I was eating some watermelon on my week off......and my head filled with images of this book!
I was a little girl in elementary school ~ and I recall loving this poetry book.
Today I ordered it off of Amazon.
I had a lovely week off ~ I am still off today too! I spent some days at the beach, read 3 books, caught a few afternoon naps, watched movies when it was raining outside, ate a piece of blueberry apple pie while watching fireworks from the patio.......summer perfection really.


Martha said...

It sounds like you've had a lovely, well-deserved rest.

This post reminds me that, somewhere, I have a wonderful recipe for watermelon pickles. I've had storebought, and they don't hold a candle to the sweet spiciness of homemade.

CatBoy said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your time off; sounds like you made the most of it.

I have never had pickled melon, store bought or otherwise. I didn't come from a family who canned, and around here things like pickled okra, melon rind or green tomatoes were never seen. Recently, they have become "trendy" if you can believe that and you can find some of them in up-market grocery stores.