Monday, September 17, 2007

It's No Secret

Today was a challenge. I am doing my best to purge all negativity from my life. So that is why I use the word challenge to describe my day.
As I woke up this morning, I truly wanted to remain in bed, nice and warm under the blankets. However, the cats were doubt because it had been nearly 9 hours since the last time food had been put in their bowls. They were not about to let me sleep beyond the allotted time.

I pulled myself out of bed......and decided that I had just enough time to get in my morning excercise. Recently, I began my own version of weight training. I have been doing a circuit of weights on 8 machines. For each of the machines, I do 12-15 reps and then move onto the next machine without stopping. I usually end with an aerobic activity of 20-30 minutes. On the days I don't do the machines - I take my nice long 5-7 mile walks.
Today was a machine only day - I did a warm up of 10 minutes on the treadmill and then my circuit and followed with 20 more minutes on the treadmill. I was feeling pretty darn good. It fills me with joy to know that I am building muscle mass, which will in turn increase my metabolism, which will in turn allow me to eat pasta when I want to.

I returned home, fed the cats, fed myself.......and took my seat in my home office to begin my day. Mondays are a usual routine of conference calls, numerous reports to analyze and numerous phone calls to make to all of my stores to ensure they saw all the reports and will be on the conference calls.

And so, my day began.....emails, reports, conference calls(painful), phone calls, friendly co-worker chit chats, arranged some travel, more get the point..everything was fairly smooth sailing given the track record of the past few weeks.

The past few weeks have been filled with employee issues. Mainly staffing issues. It has gotten out of hand actually. I am no longer able to do my job - because of the constant fires I am putting out in these particular stores. At one point, I had 4 stores without managers! yikes!
Finally, I am down to only one open manager position.....and it is proving to be the hardest to fill.
As luck would have it, the same store had a major crisis this afternoon. It forced me to once again, drop everything and put all my energy and focus in one spot.

I wanted to cry.
But then I stopped. I decided that this store was not going to get the best of me.
I envisioned not having to go to the store and cover a shift. I envisioned the problem fixing itself.
And, it did!
Can you imagine?
The Secret fully realized!

Happily, it made me realize that the law of attraction really does surround us. I have been having nothing but negative, nasty, i-hate-this-place thoughts about this store...and time and time again...the universe has been handing me poop on a platter in the form of this problem store. The moment I said no more, things turned around.

So now, I am going off to envision the perfect manager coming to me for that store. I am going to envision the perfect staff working there....I am going to imagine work ethic pouring out of the crevices....

Have you heard of The Secret? Have you bought into it?

I know it seems cheesy. I know it seems silly.......but I am here to tell you........there is something there.

1 comment:

CatBoy said...

Well, not to piss on your cornflakes, but I trashed the authors of that book a while back (blog titled Sugar-coated World).

Not because of the idea that positive thoughts can lead to positive results, but because the authors seem to think they invented the concept. And they promote it in such a way that suggests if you do what they say, you will be rich and healthy forever. My comment to them is "tell that to a little kid who needs a transplant and was born to uninsured parents."

I do believe you have the right idea and I appreciate that you shared it with me without charging $1000 for a seminar. Keep up the good work.