Tuesday, September 25, 2007

That Crazy Moon

As you walk thru the normal routines of your day....have you had those moments when you think, "what is going on today? why are all the psychos seeking me out?"
That happened to me yesterday.
Then, last night, as I was about to lay my head down to sleep - a bright glimmer of light was shining thru the blinds.......

a full moon!

"a-ha! That explains everything!"

As the weirdness of today played out.....I actually took comfort in knowing that it was indeed a full moon. (as if that made it all better)
I found security in the knowledge that this to shall pass.
Ironically ~ I came across this bit of information on the current moon phase. And once again, found hope in the despair of the craziness of my life.
I could use another new beginning right about now.......

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and rules new beginnings. This is the Full Moon of the child: a celebration of innocence, adventurousness and starting anew. So if you spent these last two weeks since the Virgo New Moon looking deeply at your inner motivations and/or your unhealthy lifestyle choices, and have decided to make some adjustments, this is the best Full Moon to take a leap of faith, release your desire for a new beginning to the universe and start taking action.
On an Aries Full Moon your intention is best released with these qualities in mind: spontaneity, wonder, curiosity, adventurousness, and innocence. There are few times in an adult life when we can begin anew without dragging along our past pain, fear and worries. But this is the Full Moon to strive for releasing your intention with childlike hopefulness and inner faith. Know that what comes from your strong intention will be evolutionary, supportive and…. well, a big adventure! So smile and let it fly! Since Aries is a fire sign, releasing is best done through burning, and fire ritual is best done with safety in mind; so make sure to use a cauldron, indoor fireplace, or a stone fire circle at the beach to do this ritual.
This is a time to lighten up and celebrate the cheerier, Arian side of life. For those of you who just want to have some fun, this Full Moon of the child is best celebrated with playfulness and adventure. Jupiter in Sagittarius and Moon in Aries bring out athleticism. So don't be surprised if someone starts a touch football game! Mercury in Libra and Mars in Gemini are always up for a treasure hunt or a game of intrigue and mystery. As long as there is good company and lots of action, be together in lightness and joy, and open up to the healing magic of play. This might even be a good day for a fun-filled lunch event at your office. Think of it as a break from the seriousness we'll all feel during the first three weeks of Saturn in Virgo.
Aries also represents our instinctual warrior nature; the raw animal part of us. Though it is true that most animals fight and kill for food and territory, we humans have the intelligence to garner our resources without the fight. The truth is, war is an outmoded technology and must be abandoned. It is a solution that rarely works and only brings with it increased suffering.
Since 2002, our government has been at war as the Moon waxes to its fullness in Aries, the warrior. This year though, the opposition of the hotheaded Moon in Aries and "the great negotiator" Sun in Libra are square the Pluto in Sagittarius (transforming dogmatic beliefs) Mars in Gemini (acting from open-mindedness) opposition. I think we will hear a lot about drawing down troop numbers during this time.
This grand square will also act as a tempering agent, keeping emotions at a tolerable level. It is a good time to consider where you have acted impulsively and brought emotional or physical harm to others through your own misunderstanding. Could you have listened more, negotiated more, trusted more, (all Libran qualities) and through these acts behaved more consciously?
The raw sexual energy of this Aries Full Moon will be heightened by the romance of Venus in Leo. But the Sun in Libra and Mars in Gemini want to connect and communicate with others in ways that are non-sexual. These planetary placements make for an integrated sexual/inter-relational Full Moon for fully embodied love.
The Aries Full Moon is the time to remember that we are born knowing only love and to celebrate and share this precious gift. Though our lives seem to seesaw between achievement and loss, love and pain, there is a childlike innocence that still lives within us all. This tender hopefulness continually rekindles our spirit with an unwavering belief in human goodness and love and enables us to rise up from failure. Jupiter in Sagittarius lends extra energy to this belief.
So here's to the successful launching of your new beginnings!

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