Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bad Attitude? Check!

Today was one of those days that I should have followed my own advice and stayed in bed.

The commute this morning sucked. Seriously, 2 hours to go what should take 30 minutes max.
And then, surprise, surprise.....no parking at the airport. So being a lazy ass, I opted to park in hourly instead of driving to Pentagon, parking on the cheap and taking the metro.
$32 later in parking.....I was mad at myself for not getting it together and taking the extra time in the morning.

Employee meltdown seemed to be on the agenda today. The crazy from NC, the crazy from MD and finally the weeping one from VA.
The need for excedrin strength help was major come 3pm today.

Just when I thought it was all behind me, I paid my $32 and joined the commute traffic back home. I was just about to start jammin to the Bee-Gees (Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack is currently in circulation on my "feel good" music list) when my phone rang.
Nothing like being treated to the 3 way call with your 2 bosses.
Hello?! I am in traffic, I am off the clock, leave me alone! Can't this drama wait till morning?
At the very least, it is done and one less drama on my 'to-do' list tomorrow.
Breathing deeply now.
Relaxing now.
After all tomorrow is another day......


Martha said...

Sending hugs and good thoughts. I'd take you out right now for a drink, if I could.

CatBoy said...

I hope things get better and I don't know if this is good or bad, but even in your angst-filled state, you take a very good picture.

KrisCe said...

Sorry you had such a bad day. Sending wishes for a better days the rest of this week.