Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Nice day today.
7 mile walk/run
trip to Wegman's
made the cake
made clams and angel hair pasta for dinner
finished sweater
watched movies.

I did not get the planting done. Somehow I managed to get a freak injury on my right wrist. I have an enormous bruise and it is very swollen...I could actually see the vein swelling up with blood and bursting....ouchy. It made movement a bit difficult today.
Don't ask how I did it.....I believe it is somehow related to climbing 3 flights of stairs with 5 cloth grocery bags filled to the max.

It was nice to do my walk/run today in leisure....I could enjoy the time to myself....and as usual, found myself lost in my own thoughts. (sometimes it is scary to be alone with your thoughts)
I did have a bit of sadness when I realized that I'm really still missing J.
Isn't that terrible?
I miss my friend. Despite all the drama, all the love and loss and disappointment....the hardest part is not being able to talk to the one person I could tell anything to.
I know that I need to snap out of it. Have someone slap me across the face please.
For the past two weeks, his name keeps popping in my head at the worst moments.
Why am I doing this to myself? Why won't he go away?
Oh the angst.

Speaking of angst....I did watch Reality Bites today. I forgot how much I liked that movie. Winona Ryder irritates me...but any movie about young 20 somethings in the 90's takes me back. Even better, the movie is set in Houston....land of most of my young adult angst.
It was like watching a home movie....only with more attractive people.

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